Buddy Training for anything and everything

posted by Cristen George , 1501 days ago , show insights

When I'm training for something say for a weight loss milestone or a new language; I usually give up midway due to lack of motivation.

I know there are several apps for training which put us against several other users and challenges us to rise up in the rankings. But being an introvert, those kind of apps just rises my anxiety and doesn't help me with my training.

I was thinking, if there was a virtual buddy system i.e. someone real who trains along with us for mutual milestones, what ever it may be; say learning cooking, learning programming, physical training etc. that can be highly productive.

You may say, why not ask your friend to train with you? Well, friendships come with packages and biases. I don't think we can have absolute focus in training for something with an existing friend all of a sudden, if at all there's such a friend for everyone.

Besides, an app which pairs us with some random individual for mutual training is a great way to make friends who share common interests.

Let me know if you would like to use a virtual buddy training and if there are any apps like that already.
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